Food Rules for Healthier Living

Different fruits and vegetables

Food Rules for Healthier Living

  1. Don’t eat after 8 pm.
  2. Read all labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.
  3. Avoid processed foods
  4. Avoid grocery shopping when you are hungry
  5. Buy organic  and wild whenever possible
  6. Plan meals
  7. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
  8. Always try to buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season instead of frozen
  9. Do not rush meals.  Take the time to enjoy and digest
  10. Avoid emotional eating.
  11. Chew your food well before swallowing
  12. Control portion sizes.  Even healthy foods can add extra calories if you eat too much.
Eating properly is treating your body with the respect it deserves to work properly.

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